Artemis Genaration
Future is an overused word. We at the SPLOT Institute believe it's lost its potency as past singular visions of science fiction have become a reality. Instead of something open and serendipitous, the future has been captured and worn out. We want to change this. The projects we undertake probe, propose and tackle the most critical social and economic challenges today. But we don’t do it alone. Characterised by its hands-on approach, our institute gathers expert interdisciplinary teams of practitioners and consultants that blend science, art, culture, design, entrepreneurship, industry and technology to imagine and build what comes next. For the future to have meaning again, it must be open-ended, embodied and intertwined. And by working together, we can breathe life back into it.
Ola is a multidisciplinary hybrid designer and researcher gravitating towards the design of intervention for untested futures, focusing on turning ideas into actions to transform the state of society by proposing small-scale interventions to approach large-scale challenges. Alumni of ART + DESIGN + SCIENCE program (2019 edition). She’s working on the intersection of design, research and strategy and exploring the world of design for children’s culture and life-long learning. Graduate of School of Form at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Poznań, Poland and Master Studies in Design for Emergent Futures at Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (Barcelona, Spain), currently a student at Aalto University (Espoo, Finland).
We have delivered multiple projects that promote futures thinking and interdisciplinary creative collaboration between culture, science, art, design & society.
An interdisciplinary residency for young creators inspired by NASA's Artemis Program, focused on crafting future scenarios for human presence in space. Themes: Space citizenship, Space (re)sources, Space as future heritage. Program organised in partnership with with the United States Department of State and the United States Embassy in Poland
An initiative focusing on sharing interdisciplinary practices and knowledge, facilitating a new space for meetings, interactions and exchange of ideas that have openness in their DNA, focusing on building an inclusive and interdisciplinary community which strives to democratise access to knowledge and creation.
Direction Earth/Space Creative Campus
An interdisciplinary programme for young creators organised with SPLOT’s methodology, as part of Direction Earth/Space – an initiative of the European Space Agency for the European Youth Capital Lublin 2023, focused on the environment and Earth observation data. Themes: Clean air, Urban stress, Farm to table, XR Climate challenge.
An interdisciplinary programme for young Ukrainians with a focus on social innovations Themes: Healing a city, Rewilding the night, Revitalizing education
2nd edition of a cross-disciplinary residency programme for young creators Themes: Climate and tourism, Cities of the future, Culture and technology
A pilot edition of cross-disciplinary residency programme for young creators Themes: Spaceship Earth, AI for good, Cities of sound, Climate emergency
Lorem Advisorium Dolor Sit Amet!
At SPLOT Institute we have developed our own methodology for interdisciplinary collaboration, specifically designed to support and connect emerging talent from a broad range of fields. It is tailored to working with groups typically aged 18-35, who are embarking on their professional journeys. Our approach emphasises integration of interdisciplinary knowledge, cultivation of future-proof skills, expansion of participants' professional networks, environmental sustainability, entrepreneurial mentorship and youth agency. We strive to empower qualities such as digital fluency, eagerness to adopt innovative tools, and flexibility to take on different roles within a residency project.

our building blocks
- Careful recruitment
The recruitment process focused on creating a diversified and unobvious mix of talents from different backgrounds and with different perspectives - Hybrid work residency / campus
Workflow balancing online and onsite activities - Design sprints
Intensified collaborative efforts based on multi-stage design process, spanning from mapping the topic to the prototype presentation - Multidisciplinary teams
Small working groups facilitated by experienced mentors and supported by experts - Open programme
Complementary scheme of thematic meetings with experts, usually open to the general public - Prototypes
Tangible samples of concepts and solutions demonstrating capacity for impact, developed by teams during the process – that pave the way for further implementation - Expert panel
Board of experts providing feedback on the outcomes of collaborative work

so far
Numerous experts from the field of science, art, design, technology, music, culture (and many more!)
- Adam Białobrzeski / FAAB Architektura
- Agata Hościło / Institute of Geodesy and Cartography
- Adriana Marcinkowska-Ochtyra / University of Warsaw
- Aleksandra Buk-Otrząsek / ING Bank Śląsk
- Aleksandra Czubak / Porando.jp
- Aleksandra Przegalińska / MIT
/ Leon Kozminski Academy - Alexandra Lange /
- Anna Różalska / Match & Spark
- Anna Szylar / Visual Narratives Laboratory
- Beata Pniak / ING Bank Śląski
- Dan Hill / Vinnova / UCL Innovation Institute of Public Purpose
- Daniel Brożek / Czarny Latawiec
- David Delgado / NASA Jet Propulsion Lab
- Dawid Reja / Sempre a Frente Foundation
- Edward Gomez / Las Cumbres Observatory
- Eisuke Tachikawa / NOSIGNER
- Ela Łazarewicz-Wyrzykowska / Medical University in Warsaw / Margaret Beaufort Institute of Theology in Cambridge
- Ewa Bogusz-Moore / NOSPR
- Ewa Chwilczyńska / Adam Mickiewicz Institute
- Ewa Grabska-Szwagrzyk / Jagiellonian University, Polska z Sentinela
- Ewelina Magdziak / ING Bank Śląski
- Francesca Demarais / Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design
- Frans Snik / Leiden University
- Gabriela Rendón, PhD / Housing Justice Lab at The New School, in New York City
- Hester Volten / Leiden University
- Honor Harger / ArtScience Museum
- Ievgeniia Dulko / Urbnanyna
- Jack Lenk / Big Dreams
- Jan Pomierny / Science Now
- Jan Świerkowski / B61 Institute / CECC Lisbon
- Jarosław Wolny / ING Bank Śląski
- Jędrzej Bojanowski / Cloudferro
- Jeremiasz Rzenno / Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice
- Jessica Guy / FabLab Barcelona
- Joanna Dymna-Oszek / ING Bank Śląski
- Joanna Jurga, PhD
- Jose Luis de Vicente / Sónar +D
- Josh Plough / Ziemniaki i
- Kaja Możdżeń
- Karolina Thakker / Busola Trends
- Kasia Świętochowska / Science Now
- Katarzyna Barczyk / ING Bank Śląski
- Kateryna Frantseva, PhD / International Astronomical Union
- Kateryna Rudenko / School for Resource and Environmental Studies at Dalhousie University, Canada
- Kristina Maurer / Ars Electronica
- Laila Aukee / Tellart / Big Dreams
- Lena Mitkova / Leniva / STGU
- Liam Young / SCI-Arc
- Lidia Mierzejeska / Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
- Luis Calcada / European Southern
Observatory - Łukasz Alwast / UCL Innovation Institute
of Public Purpose - Łukasz Wyrzykowski / Warsaw University
- Maciej Cholewa, PhD
- Maciej Hofman / European Cultural Foundation
- Maciej Konacki / Nicolaus Copernicus
Astronomical Center Polish Academy
of Sciences / Polish Space Agency - Maja Chabińska-Rossakowska / ING Bank Śląski
- Małgorzata Durska, PhD / American Studies Center of the University of Warsaw
- Marco Steinberg / Snowcone & Haystack
- Mark McCaughrean / European Space Agency
- Marek Wąsiński / Polish Economic Institute
- Marta Ryczkowska / Centre for Culture in Lublin, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin
- Martyna Sykta / Science Now
- Massimiliano Ferrante / European Space Agency
- Mateusz Wolski / New Space Foundation
- Matt Strzelecki / University of Wrocław
- Michele Armano / Madrid University
- Milena Ratajczak / University of Warsaw
- Monika Mrachacz / ING Bank Śląski
- Ola Birke / Science Now
- Patrycja Rudnicka, PhD / Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Katowice
- Paulina Grabowska / NAS-DRA Conscious Design, School of Form SWPS University
- Paweł Śliwowski / Polish Economic Institute
- Pedro Russo / Leiden University
- Piotr Kudzia / ING Bank Śląski
- Piotr Pinoczek / ING Bank Śląski
- Przemek Danowski / Chopin University of Music
- Przemysław Żelazowski / SatAgro, University of Warsaw
- Rymma Milenkova / Sumy State University, Lifelong Learning Center (Ukraine)
- Szymon Chmielewski / University of Life Sciences in Lublin
- Tarik Hachoud / Match & Spark
- Tyler Rayner / Rayner Software
- Weronika Martyna Bajbak / Microsoft Poland
- Weronika M Lewandowska / SWPS University
- Zofia Bieńkowska / University of Warsaw